
Camp Augustine is located just north of the South Locust Interstate 80 interchange, (Carol Bryant, Central Nebraska Today)

GRAND ISLAND — About 30 people attended an open house Monday, May 6, at Grand Island City Hall to give their input about what activities should be offered at Camp Augustine, which is just north of the South Locust Interstate 80 interchange.

John Royster, and landscape architect with Big Muddy Workshop in Omaha, conducted the meeting. Participants were each given six round stickers and asked to place them by photos of possible activities that could be offered at Camp Augustine.

“We specialize in park design,” Royster said. “We were really pleased to get this project.”

A follow-up meeting will be from 4 to 6 p.m. June 11. At that meeting, Royster said that more specific information would be available about what will be offered at Camp Augustine, based in part from the public input at Monday’s meeting.

Brad Mellema is executive director of the Convention and Visitors Bureau for Grand Island. He said the project is important “to create public spaces for outdoor recreation.
“It’s also a unique opportunity to get a piece of ground this size for this development. It’s important for locals as well as for guests and visitors,” Mellema said.

Royster said that Camp Augustine is unique because of its proximity to Mormon Island State Recreation Area. Linking the two sites has been mentioned in development of Camp Augustine.

Camp Augustine covers 156 acres. The city purchased Camp Augustine from the Boy Scouts Overland Trails Council in November 2023. Grand Island has invested more than $2.1 million in Camp Augustine.

Ernest Augustine bought the property for the benefit of the Boy Scouts. The site served Boy Scouts for more than 75 years.